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Corner Cabinet Assembly

Corner Cabinet Assembly


Corner Cabinet Box

Each component of your corner cabinet box, such as the frame, shelf, and the individual walls of the box, will arrive unattached and will require assembly.

Wood Glue

This will be used in multiple steps as it is the main adhesive holding all of your corner cabinet pieces together.

Staple Gun/ Finishing Nails And Hammer

You will need to use stronger methods than wood glue to secure certain components of your cabinet box together to ensure stability.

There is the option of using finishing nails and a hammer but this creates the risk of missing and accidentally striking the cabinet with the hammer. A staple gun is a safer method and will allow for a faster assembly process.


The box we will be assembling is a corner upper cabinet box. While this type of cabinet seems intimidating to build, your cabinet box will easily come together and the process really comes down to placing the right pieces together in the correct order.

Your cabinet box should come with:

  • 1 Face Frame โ€’ Long open piece with a hollow center.
  • 2 Backs โ€’ Large wall pieces that have grooves located on two edges for connecting to the unfinished right and left and Back.
  • 1 Right โ€’ The same size as your Frame, but will have a closed center.
  • 1 Leftโ€’ The same size as your Frame, but will have a closed center.
  • 1 Top and 1 Bottom
  • 1 Shelf

Mess Free

Putting together cabinets can get messy because of the use of wood glue. To avoid a sticky situation, we recommend cutting open the cardboard box the corner cabinet came in lie it flat on top of your work surface.

Each piece has a label indicating its position. Make note of each label before assembling.


We highly suggest a trial run of putting the cabinet together at least once without wood glue to ensure a perfect understanding of the process.

STEP 1: Separate the Base of the Cabinet from the Face Frame.

  • Locate the back sides, the top shelf, and the bottom shelf and position them as seen above. These pieces will form the base of the corner cabinet.

STEP 2: Connect your Sides to the Top and Bottom Shelves

  • Position your left back piece so the notching area is facing up.
  • Take your wood glue and carefully run a line of glue along the inside both the left and right notching areas.
  • Take your freshly glued side and slide your bottom and top shelf into the notching areas so they rest in their intended positions. Wipe away any excess glue as you go.

  • Next, run wood glue down the top and bottom notches of the right back side.
  • Lift the right back side up and slide it down so the top and bottom shelves fit into the notches.
  • Make sure everything fits in place and wipe away the excess wood glue.

STEP 3: Build the Face Frame

  • Lie the face frame with the notching area facing up.
  • Take the wood glue and carefully line both notched sides of the face frame with glue.
  • Slide the right side into the right notched side of the frame, and then slide the left side into the left notched side of the frame. Wipe off any excess glue.

STEP 4: Connect your Base and the Face Frame

  • Lie your Base on its side with the open shelves facing out.

  • Run wood glue along tall of the outer rims of the base unit.

  • Line the Face frame and the Base unit up so that the notches of the face frame line up with the glues rims of the base. Begin pressing the base unit into the notches of the face frame until the pieces are firmly connected.

STEP 5: Secure the Back of the Box

  • To ensure the back pieces of the corner cabinet stay securely together, you can use a staple gun or finishing nails and a hammer.

STEP 6: Fit the Middle Shelf

  • Now that the corner cabinet unit is properly glued together, stand it upright.
  • Add the shelf pins into the notches on the inside of the cabinet depending on how high or low you prefer the middle shelf to sit.
  • Slide the shelf into the cabinet unit on its side, vertically and them position it horizontally on the pins.