How To

Small Kitchen Design Tips To Feel Larger

Small Kitchen Design Tips To Feel Larger

A small kitchen can be cozy and feel spacious with the right interior design choices. Paint your walls a lighter color, or add floating shelves for a more open space. With any small room, you must use your space wisely. You can use color, lighting, and optical illusions to make your space look bigger than it actually is. As a place where you and your family gather, cook, and eat, your kitchen shou …
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9 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Feel Larger

9 Ways to Make a Small Kitchen Feel Larger

A small kitchen space can be optimized to feel larger with the right design techniques. You can expand your kitchen floor plan without going through the hassle of a full remodel just by following some of these design tricks. We have put together 9 ways you can make your small kitchen space feel larger everywhere from choosing the right color to integrating appliances. 1. The Brighter, the Wide …
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Does Your Kitchen Feel Too Small?

Does Your Kitchen Feel Too Small?

Small kitchens can cause major headaches for homeowners and renters alike. Kitchens are one of the rooms where there is never enough space, and if you already have a small kitchen making room is even more challenging to create a functional space. When your kitchen is bright and welcoming, you are more likely to use it and others will feel more comfortable in it. In this guide, we will explore …
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Best Small Kitchen Design

Best Small Kitchen Design

Even though kitchens do not have to be large to work well, small kitchen design has specific challenges and consideration. There is just so much you would like to have in your kitchen and not usually very much room, which is why itโ€™s vital to prioritize.Because space is limited in the smallest kitchen spaces, a simple galley-style solution is often the best option. It stands to reason since galley …
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