How Do You Prep Kitchen Cabinets for Painting?
First Remove The Cabinet Doors:
The best way to paint cabinets is to remove them with a screwdriver or cordless drill. By doing this you will help to protect the hardware from damaged by the paint. To ensure you know how all the doors fit together, carefully label each piece so that it can easily be reassembled.
Second,Prepare The Cabinet Doors For Painting:
Once the doors are removed, you must clean the surfaces it. Use a product such as trisodium phosphate (TSP) on both sides of the doors which will remove dirt and grease. Always wear protective gear for your eyes and hands as trisodium phosphate (TSP) is toxic.
Follow the instructions on the TSP packaging to create the TSP-and-water mixture. You can then apply it to the cabinets with a sponge. Once dry, you can use a putty knife to fill any nicks and cracks with wood filler and let it dry. You will then need to sand the surface with sandpaper to dull and smooth down the surface of the doors. You can then remove the dust after sanding with a damp cloth. An alternative to sanding the cabinet doors is to applying liquid deglosser. This only applies to cabinet doors that do not have nicks and dents to smooth. The deglosser removes the gloss finish and makes it possible for the paint to adhere the old finish.
Lastly Prime The Cabinets:
Before you start painting, you'll need to prepare the room so it does not get too messy. Here's what you'll need:
- Painter’s tape to protect the walls or tiles.
- A drop cloth to protect your countertops.
Once everything is protected you can use a roller or paintbrush to prime both sides of your doors. If you have larger cabinet doors that are flat, you should use a roller brush. And if you have cabinet doors with more detail, you should use a tapered brush.