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Classic or Modern? Deciding on Kitchen Design

Classic or Modern? Deciding on Kitchen Design

With few exceptions, the kitchen tends to be the center of the home. It is also often said by real estate agents that the kitchen sells the house. When sitting down to make your kitchen design, how do you know what is the best approach?

Classic Or Modern Kitchen Design?

One question that often comes up when planning your kitchen design is whether to choose classic or modern themes. For kitchens, trends relate more to look than to function, with color and style being the main concern. However, this can also include appliances, kitchen gadgets, and storage solutions, as well as ventilation systems and kitchen waste systems. In addition, you should consider your cabinets and utility items that you want out of sight. As you work on your kitchen design, make sure to note spaces or appliances you find yourself using often.

For the most part, kitchen design companies, interior designers, and kitchen appliance manufacturers create most mainstream trends. Paint companies also play a role in the direction of trends through color. This means it is a good idea to start by looking at what is currently available and in style. You should also check out social media, as design influencers are gaining more and more traffic and contributing more to trends.

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This means that you will be a bit restricted in terms of what companies are currently producing. However, this does not mean that you will not have many options. There are countless options available when looking at hardware, cabinet styles, and colors. For those looking for a more modern design, remember that you can think eclectically. Mixing and matching styles and trends can be a great way to make your space both stylish and unique.

If you are interested in a classical, or more traditional, approach, then you should be focusing on unity for your theme. Some examples of classic kitchen designs are farmhouse, cottage, and industrial-style. These classic designs highlight the unity, function, and beautiful embellishments of the space.

Basics Of Good Kitchen Design Plan

When planning your new kitchen design, remember that everything needs a place. A good way to get started is by taking an inventory of what you will have in your kitchen. This way, you will know what kind of storage you will need. This will also help you plan the layout of the kitchen, which is key to having an efficient workspace. As an added bonus, taking inventory is also an excellent opportunity to declutter and get rid of items you no longer need.

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Ultimately, there is no doubt that you want your kitchen to be functional. Once functionality has been established, we can decide on finishes and style.

The functionality of the kitchen plan as we know it today was established in the 1950s by researchers from Cornell University. Through focusing on ergonomics in the kitchen, researchers established two important concepts, both of which have been retained to this day: the work center and the work triangle.

Work Center And Triangle

The two concepts are linked. Each work triangle is made up of three work centers. These centers are planned and positioned in your kitchen to create the best workflow. This helps keep your kitchen as efficient as possible:

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  1. Food Storage: This could be a refrigerator or freezer, or in a larder or pantry. More than half a century later, larders have been replaced by more accessible kitchen cabinets, although some people do still have smaller pantries that are often located in tall cabinets.
  2. Food Preparation and Cleanup: Typically, this space is defined by the sink. In some contemporary kitchens, there are two sinks, one for washing up and another smaller one for food preparation. In some classically styled kitchens, you often find large farmhouse sinks that not only look stunning but also offer plenty of working space.
  3. Cooking: The position of this work center will depend on what appliances you typically use. This work center can also be shifted depending on the required appliances for the dish that you are preparing.

The work triangle helps you plan your kitchen so that the cook and others using the kitchen can all work and move through the kitchen effortlessly. In addition to your work centers, also consider space to do things like food prep, plating, and serving.

Final Thoughts On Classic Vs. Modern Design

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Whether you choose a classic or modern approach, thorough planning is the most important step. With such a wide variety of options available, it will not be a difficult task to find the perfect pieces for your kitchen design. One way to begin to narrow down your searches is to make a list of โ€œmust havesโ€ for your kitchen.

If you are ready to start ordering or if you need assistance, please feel free to call us at 1-855-669-5222 or send us an email at Our team of cabinet experts is here to help with everything from measuring to ordering.