Remodeling your home is a lot of work, and it would be a terrible mistake going into one without proper research. There are 5 things you should know before you start your kitchen remodel:
- It is extremely common for the project to go over budget. Whether it is due to mistakes or unavoidable delays, going over budget during a remodeling project is something you should plan for.
- If you won’t be able to stay in your home during the project, you will need to plan out lodging for the duration.
- We cannot stress enough how important it is to properly vet your contractor. A good contractor can be the difference between being done on time and on budget and delayed and over budget.
- Some items will likely need to be temporarily moved out of the house for work to be done. Be sure to have a secure storage solution for these items.
- A home remodel will disrupt your daily routine. This may mean it takes you longer to get ready in the morning, or even that you have to cook on a hot plate.
Home remodeling is an exciting time that allows you to inject your personal style into your space. However, there are also a lot of pitfalls that can delay and derail your project if you don’t do the proper research. It really does save you time and money to commit to creating a comprehensive plan before you begin. And so, there are a few things to keep in mind as you begin planning your home remodel project. The first is that you should increase your budget around 5-10% to account for unforeseen expenses and delays. Proper planning and research can help you reduce these risks, but things like weather or someone falling ill are beyond your control. And so, it is always good to be prepared. If you won’t be able to live in your home during the project, then you will need to arrange accommodations. Be sure you add these costs to your overall budget for the home remodel. The third point is to properly vet your contractor. This means getting more than one quote, reading reviews, and asking people in the area for recommendations. Often, things like appliances will need to be temporarily relocated during the remodel. And so, you should be sure to plan for where you will store items that have to be moved. Finally, prepare yourself for an extended disruption to your home routine. Depending on the scope of your project, this could be a minor inconvenience or something a bit more distributive like not being able to use your kitchen.